I've neglected this blog for entirely way too long. Time to change!
I originally created this blog to only be about me creating art. However, I believe at this point in time I'm going to make it a blog about my life, my art, recipes, my adventures, and whatever else comes up. I was going to make two blogs, one strictly for art and this one, but I think that would be too time consuming at the moment. It could be a possibility later.
So, after reading a really inspiring article by Holli Conger about becoming an illustrator, I've decided to give it a go. I figure, why not me? I can try and the worst possible result is that I don't succeed, but that has to be better than the "what if's". The only subject that has really grabbed me in life is art. In college, my peers would ask me if I was an Art Major. Well, kind of. I was a Film Major.. which actually surprised them. I think they were expecting to hear something illustration/graphic related due to my constant doodling throughout Spanish class.
So now it begins. That, and I'm finally determined enough to finish a Children's book I started last year. There might be some mentions of it from time to time as I trek through the process. We'll see how that one goes...
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