19 September 2013

I haven't updated in forrrrrever. Here's an update:

1. I replenished my paint trove earlier today due to Michael's having a .33/bottle sale.  Yes!
2.  I'm now 28.  This has made me think about the past, what could have been, what is now, etc.
3. Nostalgia like crazy.
4.  I've been listening to a lot of music I listened to years ago.  Dashboard, NFG (Always listen to them, though :D), Starting Line, etc.  This probably contributes to my heavy case of nostalgia.
5.  Did I mention nostalgia? Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever been decent friends again with people, or persons, I once called my best friend(s). I'm trying to be vague here.  I honestly don't know. I don't even know if such a thing would be good for either party.

This weekend we're doing a reshoot for the movie I worked on all summer. Well, I guess it's technically not a reshoot since we never shot it in the first place.  The original scene was cancelled.  I'm pumped because it's at a local giganticcccc music festival.  I didn't buy a ticket this year since I had just purchased tickets for Sigur Ros in October and New Found Glory in November, but now I'll get paid to go. ^.^ I have no idea how they're going to film in a sea of random people, but it should be interesting none-the-less.  I don't know how much actual standing-in I will do, but we'll see.